Focused Worship

Many times, we pastors spend so much effort on the preparation of our sermons, that we miss the opportunity to design a carefully crafted worship service. Such a service will wrap around our sermon with intentionality and guide the members of our congregation to the truth we want them to apprehend.

I’ve made this very subject—focused worship—the topic of Podcast No. 199. I share some examples of services I’ve attended where there appeared to be no central focus. Rather, the people engaged in a somewhat complex series of random acts of worship that had nothing whatsoever to do with the truth the pastor tried to convey in his or her sermon.

In contrast, I also share some examples of a very focused worship service, based on the “Subject” of the sermon, that prepared the congregation to hear the truth the pastor will proclaim. And, once the sermon ended, the remainder of the worship service helped reinforce the “How Tos” the pastor gave the congregation to make the truth of the sermon come alive in their own hearts and minds.

If you would like to listen to what I have to say on this matter, please click the link on this page that will take you to my website and, then, listen to Podcast No. 199. I sincerely believe that what I have to say will prove helpful to you in your ministry.

If you’re a regular reader of this eNewsletter, by now you probably are growing tired of the Boom…Boom…Boom… of the drum I’ve been beating regarding my latest book. Because I’ve been told that repitition will provide encouragement for people to receive a message, once again I’m going to urge you to purchase and read this book.

I’ve entitled the book The Sermon Sucking Black Hole—Why You Can’t Remember on Monday What Your Minister Preached on Sunday. You may pre-order the book at by clicking here.

This book gives information about how to make your sermons memorable. And, it also gives some solid tips to the people sitting in the congregation to help them remember what you’ve said. I’m sure you agree that, as ministers, when we share what God has laid on our hearts, we do want the people we serve to remember what we say.



Please click here to visit David Mains’ website.

You will also find a variety of resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Please click here.




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