Team-Preaching: With One Heart and One Mind

The Apostle Paul, writing in Romans 15:5-6 , states this key thought:

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

No better example exists in the pulpit than when two individuals preach a sermon together as a team. This is a technique that is seldom used. But, when someone has the courage to entertain using this special way of presenting God’s truth, it always has a profoundly positive effect on the listeners.

”Team-preaching”—that’s the subject of Podcast No. 212. I’ve had a great deal of experience using this technique, particularly with my wife, Karen. In this Podcast, I offer some tried and true ways to maximize the effectiveness of this method. I also share some of the pitfalls that can adversely affect the success of this way of delivering a sermon.

If you would like to listen to what I have to say, please click the link on this page that will take you to my website. Once there, you will be able to listen to this particular Podcast.

After you’ve listened, I urge you to consider employing the suggestions I make and give team-preaching a try in your church. I will be very surprised if the members of your congregation do not find it energizing as they listen to two “preachers” share God’s Word with one heart and one mind.

For quite a few weeks now, I’ve shared with you about my new book entitled The Sermon Sucking Black Hole—Why You Can’t Remember on Monday What Your Minister Preached on Sunday. This book is scheduled for release in early May. In the meantime, you may pre-order the book at by clicking here.

This book gives information about how to make your sermons memorable. And, it also gives some solid tips to the people sitting in the congregation to help them remember what you’ve said.


Please click here to visit David Mains’ website.

You will also find a variety of resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Please click here.




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