Targeting the Text

There are, of course, a number of ways for a pastor to develop his or her sermons. Any pastor who has served long enough has likely developed a pattern that works. At the same time, it is possible to make some significant “tweaks” that can enhance the effectiveness of your sermons.

That opportunity to make some “tweaks” really helped motivate me to start my website. I wanted to share some of what I had learned over my many years of pastoring and serving as a radio and television preacher—tips that I am convinced will help any pastor willing to employ them to improve his or her sermons.

That’s not at all an arrogant boast on my part. In fact, I feel very humbled to have the opportunity to engage with so many pastors in this way. Based on feedback I’ve received, I know that my suggestions help.

This week, I want to continue a review of the “Sermon-Coach Method of Sermon Development” by illustrating in Podcast No. 73 how to select a Scriptural text and by asking four key questions then target that text to fit the needs of your congregation. If you would like to listen to my suggestions, please click the link on this page that will take you to my website and, then, click to listen to this “Featured Podcast of the Week.”

God has chosen to use pastors as His human instruments in the proclamation of His Truth. We need to make certain we are using every possible resource to accomplish that very important responsibility in as engaging and life-transforming a way as possible.

I continue to feel very grateful and am humbled by the many positive comments about my latest book entitled The Sermon Sucking Black Hole—Why You Can’t Remember on Monday What Your Minister Preached on Sunday. This book is now available at by clicking here.

This book gives some solid tips to the people sitting in the congregation to help them remember what you’ve said from the pulpit when they come to worship services in the church where you serve as pastor.


Please click here to visit David Mains’ website.

You will also find a variety of resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Please click here.




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