Just a Reminder Sunday Soundbyte

The word is out that this year Social Security recipients won’t be getting a cost-of-living adjustment. Because inflation is so low, this will be the first time since the automatic cost-of-living hikes went into effect back in 1975 that there won’t be one. The law says that if prices drop the benefits still can’t. On the other hand, an automatic raise isn’t necessarily guaranteed.

Maybe some of the billions in bailout money that went to banks should have been put aside for our seniors, huh?

Are there ways you let seniors in our ranks know they are appreciated? And might this week be a good time to do that?

Soundbye for During Your Pastoral Prayer or Sunday Sermon.  Use my Sunday Soundbytes in your Sunday sermons or church service to convey timeless biblical truths about modern day events. You have my permission.

Sermon Ideas from David Mains

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