Tell Me Another One – Sunday Soundbyte

The devil doesn’t usually inform you until later about the fees he charges for his wares. He’s like some banks when your checking account has an overdraft. Instead of calling or e-mailing, they mail you a letter, which takes several days to get to you. It reads that “…on such-and-such a date your account had an overdraft of $2.12. We are charging you a flat fee of $27.00 a day until you deposit enough to bring your account into the black. Remember that we are here to serve you in any way we can.”

“SURE you are!” you reply sarcastically as you toss the letter into the wastepaper basket. And that ought to be your response to the devil too!

Use my Sunday Soundbytes in your Sunday sermons or church service to convey timeless biblical truths about modern day events. You have my permission.

Sermon Ideas from David Mains

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