Praying for Your Church

I truly believe that it’s very important for believers to pray for the worship services of the church they attend. That’s a discipline that helps the effectiveness of the church’s ministry tremendously.

One thing I like about the church I attend is that, by mid-week, they post the bulletin or worship folder for Sunday on their website. I can read the Order of Service, look up the hymns in my copy of the hymnbook, study the Scripture passages, take note of the sermon title, read who will participate in the various aspects of the worship service, and generally become familiar, well in advance, of what to expect when I arrive for worship.

Then, I set aside specific times to pray for each aspect of the worship service, for those participating, and particularly for the pastor who will preach. I ask God to bless that worship service in a special way, to anoint the preaching pastor, and to give the congregation a strong sense of His Presence.

Let me suggest that you do this, as well, for your church. You will find that, when you arrive for worship, you will have a genuine excitement, as you anticipate seeing how God will have answered your prayers.


I am grateful that I continue to hear how positively readers are responding to my latest book entitled The Sermon Sucking Black Hole—Why You Can’t Remember on Monday What Your Minister Preached on Sunday. This book is available at by clicking here.

In this book, I offer some solid tips to the people sitting in the congregation to help them remember what their pastor has said from the pulpit.

You will find a variety of other helpful resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Please click here.


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He Won’t Be Present

I have a sad announcement regarding this weekend. Because of just pushing too hard for way too long, Jesus won’t be present this coming Sunday at some of your churches.

Now, I don’t believe that for one minute, do you? But maybe by catching your attention, I can underscore the marvelous privilege that’s ours of knowing our Lord’s presence time and again. But, we also shouldn’t take it for granted.

Let me just remind you, as you start to prepare for the weekend, that the Lord of the church, Jesus, the very Son of God, plans through His Spirit to grace the very church where you will go to worship.

If He were there bodily, you wouldn’t miss it for anything. So by faith, go with that same attitude of expectancy and delight and worship.


I am grateful that I continue to hear how positively readers are responding to my latest book entitled The Sermon Sucking Black Hole—Why You Can’t Remember on Monday What Your Minister Preached on Sunday. This book is available at by clicking here.

In this book, I offer some solid tips to the people sitting in the congregation to help them remember what their pastor has said from the pulpit.

You will find a variety of other helpful resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Please click here.


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Lessening the Intimidation

Looking forward to next Sunday, do you intend to bring a guest? If so, I have come to realize that a church service can be rather intimidating to a visitor who seldom attends.

Quite often I have brought a Sunday guest, and on the way home asked, “What did you think?” And a typical answer is, “Because I’ve never heard any of those songs before, I felt kind of stupid.” Or, “When they collected the money, I was embarrassed that I wasn’t ready to put anything in.”

Do you know what I do now?

On the way to church, I tell people what to expect. I kind of run through the service with them. I say things like, “This week you might just want to listen to what people sing, and visitors aren’t expected to contribute anything in the offering.”

Guess what? Since telling my guest what to anticipate, nobody says to me anymore, “I was really nervous.” Problem solved, just like that.


I am grateful that I continue to hear how positively readers are responding to my latest book entitled The Sermon Sucking Black Hole—Why You Can’t Remember on Monday What Your Minister Preached on Sunday. This book is available at by clicking here.

In this book, I offer some solid tips to the people sitting in the congregation to help them remember what their pastor has said from the pulpit.

You will find a variety of other helpful resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Please click here.


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How to Live Longer

Recently, I was talking with a research psychiatrist in our nation’s capital. This doctor works for the National Institute of Mental Health, which is a federal government office. “Yes,” he said in reply to a question I asked him, “our research shows that people who do attend regularly definitely live longer.”

“People who attend what?” you wonder. The sports center, the theater, the flower show?

No, you know what I’m going to write, don’t you? People who attend CHURCH regularly definitely do live longer. That’s what the research showed, according to this good doctor I talked with.

Now, I don’t see this as the primary reason to be a church attender. But, it is kind of a nice side benefit. No matter what you may have chosen to do today, why not plan now to attend church next Sunday. If so, God bless you and may you have a long life!


I am grateful that I continue to hear how positively readers are responding to my latest book entitled The Sermon Sucking Black Hole—Why You Can’t Remember on Monday What Your Minister Preached on Sunday. This book is available at by clicking here.

In this book, I offer some solid tips to the people sitting in the congregation to help them remember what their pastor has said from the pulpit.

You will find a variety of other helpful resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Please click here.


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