More Than One Way

We pastors tend to fall into a distinct pattern in our spoken ministry. We seek the leading of the Holy Spirit to determine what God would like us to share with the people He has placed under our care. Then, we study diligently the Scriptural text that supports the message God has laid on our hearts. We try to find the right illustrations to breathe life into our sermons.

Once we’ve done our best to craft a sermon that will hold the attention of our congregations and communicate God’s truth in as effective a way as possible, we practice delivering that sermon so that we can marshal all the skills God has given us to share His message in a life-transforming way.

Finally, at the appropriate time in the worship service, we take our place and deliver our sermon. Maybe we use some visual aids. But mostly, we essentially lecture. We may occasionally try to elicit some verbal response from the congregation, but mostly we lecture.

Have you ever thought about the fact that it might be helpful to consider using some other forms of verbal communication than strictly lecture? Over the years of my ministry, both in the pastorate and on radio and television, I have learned that I can hold people’s attention much more readily if I use something other than a strict lecture.

For example, by having someone present with me and engaging that person in a dialogue, I can often create a learning environment that draws those watching or listening into the very heart of what I want to communicate. My wife, Karen, and I have used this technique frequently. The change in voices, the differences in our approach to the same subject, the liveliness that often springs from our exchanges—all of these factors help connect the particular “audience” to the centrality of God’s message we want to share.

As you continue to minster to your congregation week by week, think about exploring the use of other ways to communicate the truth of God’s Word apart from strictly lecturing. Not only will you find that variety does, indeed, add some spice to your presentation, those listening to you will feel more energized by what you intend to communicate and, thus, more willing to accept your suggestions for a deeper spiritual formation.

If you would like to hear more about this subject and, particularly, hear me talk about some alternatives to lecture, I invite you to click on the link on this page that will take you to our Sermon-Coach website where you will be able to listen to Sermon-Coach Podcast No. 183.

After all, God has called us to minister to His people. He wants us to use every gift He has given us to share in an effective way the message He has for those He loves.




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You will also find a variety of resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Please click here.




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