“A Time to Talk, Pray, and Catch Up” – Part 30

One Sunday night in particular, we invited friends to the Union Hall for a special concert at Circle Church that had been prepared by the choir. The entire ballroom had been set up like a coffee house with chairs grouped around many large round tables. Dessert was served at the appointed moment and we found that much of the conversation which occurred centered around the church, and more specifically, man’s encounter with God.

It was always an enigma to me that in the churches of my background Sunday evening was considered “The Evangelistic Service,” when week after week no outsiders were present. Without blinking an eyelash, the leader would extend the invitational hymn time and again, with rare response. (“After all, we never know when God is working in the heart of a man.”)

I often wondered, “Why haven’t people admitted that this practice is usually ineffectual? Why haven’t congregations demanded to be released to do grass roots evangelism in their homes, at least occasionally, on Sunday evenings?”

Some friends of ours, he is a hospital administrator with a young and lively family, lived in an exclusively new section of a nearby Chicago suburb. Balking at the incongruity of the traditional Sunday evening identity, they established a neighborhood Bible study. This pragmatic approach met with great success. They were suddenly participating in a true witnessing effort. But, you can be sure that many in their church looked askance at their plan. They were concerned—not that they were holding a Bible study—but that they were doing it on a Sunday evening!


You can learn how to develop highly relevant Sunday sermons that grab the attention of your congregation and help your listeners respond effectively to the deep truths of God’s Word. David Mains and Mainstay Ministries can help. We offer a wide variety of Sermon Starters and Full Sermons that will give you Sermon Ideas to help you prepare for regular Sunday sermons, Mid-week Bible Sermons, and Sermons for special occasions. We also offer assistance as you create Topical Sermons, Sermons Series, and sermons for special times of the year. We have resources available to help you with Advent Celebrations, Advent Sermons, Christmas Sermons, Easter Sunday Sermons, Patriotic Sermons, and more.

For more information on how to create better Bible Sermons and how to turn Sermon Ideas into Sermon Outlines, and then into effective, meaningful Sunday Sermons, please click here to visit David Mains’ website.

You will also find a variety of resources for pastors and congregations at the Mainstay Ministries website. Just click here.

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