“A Time to Talk, Pray, and Catch Up” – Part 44

Rather than creating an atmosphere conducive to the most intimate prayer requests, the large auditorium or church basement, the seating arrangement of turning our backs to one an other, the limited time because half of the precious moments have been devoted to another lecture (the third one of the week), all conspire against establishing a warm, trusting relationship. Even in churches where occasionally the practice of breaking into smaller groups is maintained, the principle of the stable situation is not perpetuated, because the same people are not in the divided groups week after week.

When I participate in seminars, I am usually asked, ‘Is it not quite risky to have such requests shared? There is always the problem of people within the church gossiping about what has been said.”

When everyone is open with one another, and nothing is hidden, there is no opportunity for gossip. Also, true Christians respond to weakness which has been openly expressed. A very thin line of distinction exists here, and it is basically the reason we ask that the requests be personal.

A comment such as, “I know that so and so are having a difficult time in their marriage. I wish that you would pray…” might bring on a mental response of “Tsk, tsk, is that so? I never would have thought that possible. Why they seem to be such a happy pair.”

But when the couple themselves in an atmosphere of openness, share the conflicts of their marital situation, ask for prayer that they might know how to improve their attitude and consequently their marriage, the response of Christians seems to be one of genuine concern. Particularly this is so when each member of the group has been honest. When you have bared your soul, you will not take lightly the corresponding act of a fellow believer. In the entire experience of the prayer cells, I cannot think of one incident when this privilege of openness has been abused.


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