From Nothing to Something – Part 18

We soon developed a very collegial and constructive sermon development pattern. Each sermon is now a composite of the thoughts of the five. Whoever preaches goes over his thoughts with another member of the team on Monday, or before. If anything basic needs changing, it should come out at that point.

On Tuesday the entire staff hears, in summary, the emphasis of the sermon. Again there is criticism and added perspective from the various backgrounds and viewpoints. Once or twice more the speaker meets in private sessions with other staff members as the week continues. We try to contribute ideas for illustration or application. We listen carefully for thoughts which detract from the main thrust rather than enhance it. We watch for improper English. We attempt to ask how this applies to Fred, or Jack, or Betty. Will it meet their needs where they are?

On Saturday morning the whole staff has breakfast together, listens to the sermon, goes over the various parts they will play in the total service, and then prays. By Sunday morning the material has been well-polished and should prove helpful to our people. The individual differences of the team have been channeled to become its strengths!

Through the team approach we can relate now to more people. There are five instead of one for hospital visits, phone calls, counseling, and all the other pastoral tasks. More people can speak with us on Sunday after the service, as well.

Once when Ka Tong had preached, my wife heard a voice behind her comment to a friend, “Would you like to meet Ka Tong? He is my favorite on the staff.” It didn’t bother Karen, because this is as it should be. Some will feel closer to Al, or Larry. Their personalities will mesh with one another. It is a natural thing and certainly not a basis for petty jealousies.


Pastor, when “sermon prep day” rolls around each week, do you face the task of preparing another sermon with a frown on your face? If so, you’re not alone. Many pastors literally dread preparing their Sunday sermon. There just doesn’t seem to be an easy solution. The good news: David Mains and Mainstay Ministries can help, whether you need to create a Topical Sermon, an Advent Sermon, a Christmas Sermon, an Easter Sermon, a Sermon Series, or any other Sunday Sermon. For more information on how to create better Bible Sermons and how to turn Sermon Ideas into Sermon Outlines, and then into effective, meaningful Sunday Sermons, please click here to visit David Mains’ website.

For so many of us, the Christmas celebration can be a mile wide and an inch deep. We tire ourselves with an ever-growing list of gifts to buy, activities to complete, and traditions to uphold. And through a maze of cards and calls, outreach and entertainment, we struggle to connect with others in meaningful ways. Our intentions are sincere, but often trivial. When we look back on the season, we’re often left feeling like our holidays somehow lost the Christ in Christmas, and only touched the surface.

Every pastor needs resources to help him or her find appropriate Sermons for Advent and Sermons for Christmas. With Christmas Sermon resources from Mainstay Ministries, you can help your congregation season their Christmas traditions with the flavor of Christ. More than simply helping them to remember that “Jesus is the reason for the season,” you can encourage people to focus on Christ in the very traditions that have become part of our celebration of Christmas: decorating our homes, conveying Christmas greetings, giving and receiving gifts, gathering with family and friends, entering the new year with goals. Click here to see a list of special Christmas Sermon Packages available.

Looking forward to Christmas? Looking for key Sermon Ideas? Wondering what to preach throughout the Christmas Season? Searching for help in preparing for your Sermons on Christmas Day? In addition to the above special offer, Mainstay Ministries has many valuable resources filled with Christmas Sermon Ideas to help you plan for your Christmas preaching and for such Sunday Sermons, including resources for the following: Advent Celebrations, Advent Sermon, Advent Sermon Series, Advent Sunday Sermons, Christmas Advent Sermons, Christmas Sermon, and Christmas Sermon Series. Connect with us on-line by clicking here.

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