How to Stand Up to Temptation – Sermon Ideas

You are preaching a topical sermon about temptation, and your text is 1 Corinthians 10:13. Your church sermon thrust is as follows: “Because you know that God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can handle, stand up under it!” These words are practically taken right out of the passage.

So your subject is something like “Tough Repeat Temptations.” The response being called for is that people will stand up to them.

It’s a great text. The subject is relevant, and it’s hard to miss the response called for in God’s Word. So how effective will your Sunday sermons be? It depends on the practicality of your “how to’s.”

Christians know they shouldn’t yield to troublesome temptations. Even so, many, including some who know this verse by heart, still do … again and again. The simple truth is that they don’t know how to stand up under it! So—do you know what to tell them?

What specifically did you do in your past to know victory over an attractive devilish lure? What have been the experiences of some of your church leaders? What past or present victory secrets do they have to share? Here’s where input from various members of the church body can be extremely helpful. Call them on the phone or e-mail them asking for their thoughts.

After coming up with a number of suggestions, narrow your “how to’s” down to the three or four best. Share these in your bible sermon, and I believe you will preach a real winner!

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